netfoos fooball statistics
NetFoos Box Statistics (BETA)
Tournaments | Players | Category Leaders | Match Up Reports | Reporting Details/Info

Goalie Blocking Percentage Leaders (3 Bar Shot Blocks - Higher Percentage Means Better Shot Blocking)
Tracy McMillin 65% (99 / 153)
Amedio Gilmore 65% (11 / 17)
Jay Bartholow 62% (16 / 26)
Robert Atha 61% (27 / 44)
Frederico Collignon 60% (3 / 5)
Billy Pappas 60% (117 / 196)
Robert Mares 58% (7 / 12)
Bob Diaz 58% (11 / 19)
Trevor Park 57% (39 / 68)
Eddie Gartman 56% (22 / 39)
Todd Loffredo 56% (181 / 323)
Tony Spredeman 55% (47 / 85)
Terry Moore 55% (34 / 62)
Matt Steward 55% (24 / 44)
Jan Ellis 55% (6 / 11)
Brandon Moreland 54% (83 / 154)
Garret Scherkenbach 50% (12 / 24)
Steve Mohs 48% (10 / 21)
Gregg Perrie 43% (10 / 23)
Melissa Kegg 43% (3 / 7)
Terry Rue 41% (11 / 27)
Nathan Winter 40% (2 / 5)
Charles Moore 31% (5 / 16)
Mark Murray 29% (2 / 7)
Christina Fuchs 25% (2 / 8)
Kin Lo 13% (2 / 15)
Frank Kronkowski 11% (1 / 9)
Bryan Jones 0% (0 / 1)
Tiffany Moore 0% (0 / 6)
David Gummeson 0% (0 / 3)
Fernando DaRosa 0% (0 / 1)
Rick Macias 0% (0 / 3)
Ryan Moore 0% (0 / 3)

Disclaimer: These stats were analyzed and entered by humans and are subject to their interpretations and errors, thus any reports here are for entertainment purposes only. Please report any errors in the data to us and we will review for adjustments.

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